Knowing Jesus & making him known
as you Are
We don’t care how you’re dressed, how many tattoos you have, or what candidate you voted for. We’re a church full of broken, imperfect people with every kind of story, and we’re saving you a seat!
Join us on Sundays at 9:15 & 11am!
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The Vineyard is a safe place to explore faith!

Worship is central to life at the Vineyard and our highest aim is to glorify Jesus in every area of our lives. We sacrificially give of ourselves as we surrender our lives to Jesus!
Spiritual formation, being conformed to the image of Jesus, takes place as we worship, pray, engage Scripture, receive Communion, and engage with other Christians!
God is eager to be known and has invited the Church to share his love with the world! We join God’s mission by continuing the ministry of Jesus and extend God’s kingdom to all.
We’d love to hear from you! Send us a message!

(530) 527-2449
738 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Sunday Service
9:15 & 11am