If you’ve been to our church at any point in the past two years, you would have certainly noticed to big saying on the walls next to the stage that say “Knowing Jesus…And making Him known.” That is our mission here at the Vineyard. We believe we have been called to grow in our relationship with Jesus and make him known as we follow him.

There is one BIG assumption in our mission. And that is we cannot do this without being disciples of Jesus. Another word for discipleship is apprenticeship. Dallas Willard defines discipleship as “learning from Jesus how to lead their life as he would lead their life if he were they.” And at the Vineyard we believe discipleship is best done in community.

And so we have a process in place that can help us all learn from each other as we all turn to Jesus and learn from Him.

Discipleship consists of a three-part process:


  1. The first step is to attend a Sunday morning service (or soon to be Wednesday service)! This is the main gathering place where we come together to gather and focus on Jesus! You can come as you are, and even leave as you are. But there’s a saying in the Vineyard there’s saying that goes when you come as you are to Jesus you never leave the same.
  2. A next step to take is to join a core group! Let’s face Sunday morning’s can be a limiting space when we are searching for deeper authentic relationships with people. Core groups happen outside of a Sunday service and usually consist of 5-25 people. This is a great space to grow in your relationship with others as well as God.
  3. Fun events! We believe in having fun at the Vineyard and create events that make space for us to have fun! Join us and invite a friend!


  1. Serving teams! We believe as disciples we are called to serve! We have amazing teams that serve on a Sunday morning and some that serve outside of a Sunday. Teams are also a great way to meet you people and form new relationships! We would love to have you serve on one of our teams!
  2. Financial giving! At the Vineyard we believe as disciples of Jesus we are called to give to His church. Finances can be an amazing resource for partnering with God and His mission! We also learn to trust Jesus when we give to His church.


  1. Invite a friend. Inviting a friend to a church event can change their lives! And yours! Introducing someone to Jesus can leave a mark on you forever but even more importantly with them!
  2. Respond to God’s calling in your life! We each have a calling on our lives. Through the discipleship process we want to help you discover God’s calling on your life!
  3. Share meals together! Start creating space in your home to have meals with others!

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