Phil Strout: Sunday, January 8

Phil Strout: Sunday, January 8

We’re super excited to announce that Phil Strout is going to be with us on Sunday, January 8th. Phil is the National Director of Vineyard USA and is a committed leader and communicator, bringing more than 35 years of experience in the ministry as a missionary,...
C.O.R.E. Groups Launch in October!

C.O.R.E. Groups Launch in October!

At the Vineyard, we believe that life is much better when we do it together! In fact, one of the best ways that we can grow is to gather with other people to share, learn about Jesus, read Scripture, and pray for each other. We’d love to invite you to sign up...


Welcome to the new website for the Red Bluff Vineyard! Stay tuned as we continue to add content, share events, and more! Our website will primarily be a place where people can learn more about our church, but we’ll also share news, sermons, and much more!...
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