Bible Reading Plans 2025
There are some great Bible reading plans out there. Here are a few that you can consider using for 2025: Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers (download here). Advantages to this plan include: Removing the pressure to ‘keep up’ with getting through the entire...
What’s the Deal w/ Lent?
This article is taken from Christianity Today and was written by Aaron Damiani, the lead pastor of Immanuel Anglican Church. We hope it helps you. **************** One day early in our engagement, my then-fiancée now-wife, Laura, and I were locked in a stalemate:...
Newsletter Sign-UP
Sign up on our Newsletter here! We promise to never sell this list and only use it to communicate with our church! We send updates, resources, and much more! Subscribe * indicates required First Name Last Name Email Address *...
Bible Reading Plans (2023)
Looking to increase your Bible reading this coming year? We've pointed the church to a great plan -- Bible Reading for Shirkers and Slackers. This is a great plan for those who would benefit from a realistic “discipline + grace” approach (because you know you’re going...
Is It Time to Re-Engage?
What a roller coast life is! Ups and downs and twists and turns keep us constantly reminded about our need for the strength that only God can provide. The past year has been full of these regular reminders but we have increasingly seen that God is at work and that we...
2019 in Review
Check out the latest sermon podcast from Sunday, December 29. Pastor Luke shared some thoughts looking back in 2019 and then challenged us to consider how we can press into and seek after more of God in the coming year.
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(530) 527-2449
738 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Sunday Service
9:15 & 11am