Bible Reading Plans (2019)
Looking to increase your Bible reading this coming year? We've pointed the church to a great plan -- Bible Reading for Shirkers and Slackers. This is a great plan for those who would benefit from a realistic “discipline + grace” approach (because you know you’re going...
Did the Resurrection actually happen?
For our current sermon series, we’ve kept the most important topic for last — the resurrection of Jesus. I assume most of us in the room take the Resurrection of Jesus for granted, but there are some who find the plausibility of a resurrected Christ pretty impossible:...
A Letter From Vineyard Missions
Dear Friends, I continue to be amazed and thrilled at how God is at work around the world and how we get to be a part of seeing the Kingdom break into the lives of people, bringing redemption to entire families and communities around the globe. So many of our Vineyard...
Grinchmas Party – Dec. 2, 5-8pm
“Maybe Christmas,“ he thought, “Doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more.” The Vineyard community is gathering to celebrate our Christmas party on Sunday, December 2, from 5 to 8pm! We’ll have lots of fun, including: Christmas games....
Faith, Science, & Resources: Understanding the Creation Debate and Miracles
At yesterday's two worship gatherings, we talked about how Christians have wrestled with the relationship between science and faith, how the Bible has been interpreted in relation to creation, and considered how to respond to the suggestion that miracles don't exist....
Women in the Kingdom of God (Resources and the Podcast)
On Sunday, I shared a message addressing the question, "Is Christianity oppressive to women?" Take a listen by clicking "play" above or go here and download it. My conclusion is that, yes, sometimes Christianity has been oppressive to women and has marginalized...
Join Our Newsletter
We send out our weekly newsletter on Friday mornings at 10:30am. This is a great way to get ready for the Sunday service, stay up to date on upcoming events, as well as learn about new resources!
We’d love to hear from you! Send us a message!

(530) 527-2449
738 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Sunday Service
9:15 & 11am