Church App is Coming!!

Church App is Coming!!

As our church has grown, the need for more communication and options has increased. We’re super excited to announce that after working hard for the past four months, we’ve got a tool to help us! This Sunday we’re going to start the process of...
Adult Bowling: Friday, March 17

Adult Bowling: Friday, March 17

Looking for a great way to connect with other people? How about a space to invite your friends to a “church” event without all the anxiety or awkward feelings of visiting a church for the first time? Join us for bowling!!! Tickets are open for our second...
Special Guests: Mike & Betty Frye

Special Guests: Mike & Betty Frye

Have you ever wondered if God still heals people? Or have you wanted healing? Or are you unsure of what to think about healing? We’re excited to have Mike & Betty Frye with us this Sunday! The Frye’s will be speaking on the subject of healing and...
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